Hello folks,We are all touched by someone who has had to deal with cancer.I am participating in the Challenge for life fundraiser again.This year I will be doing a 1000 km ride from Kansas City to St Louis and back. The route is on the Katy Trail which is a rail trail along the Missouri River.We have formed team of seven of us and we’ll be starting from Kansas City on June 4th and will take about nine days. We will be camping along the way so we hope the weather gods are on our side.Our team is the ‘Tour de Nicks’ group as on Saturday's we ride to Nick's Diner and have breaky throughout the year.If you are able to give your support you may do so by going to the Challenge for Life website and then to the Tour de Nicks team.I truly appreciate the generous support you have given me on these adventures and thank you in advance for considering my request.