Dear Friends, we need your help!

Hittin’ for Hooters & Duders with the support of the CancerCare Manitoba Foundation (CCMB), is hosting a coed slo-pitch tournament to fundraise for Breast & Prostate Cancer research, resources and education on Saturday, June 22, 2024 at Little Mountain Sportsplex.


Charlie's Journey with Breast Cancer

The initiative for the slo-pitch fundraiser began December 2018 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. With the love and support of my family and friends, I made it through surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and all the side-effects that comes with treatment. I am happy and relieved to return to the diamond since as a player and umpire and doing extremely well!

I was happy to start a new fundraiser and kick off Hittin’ for Hooters in 2019. I LOVE slo-pitch softball, I am heavily involved all year round. I certainly share my dedication and love of the sport with many others in the Winnipeg slo-pitch community as a player, convener, manager and umpire.

Brian's Journey with Prostate Cancer

We are all touched by cancer in some way, I lost a sister-in-law in 2013. I have been involved in a previous breast cancer slo-pitch fundraiser for many years, umpiring and scheduling the umpires and continue to support Charlie in her efforts. I was first diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in 2018 and had surgery in 2019 to have my prostate removed. My journey has been quite uneventful due to early detection, in fact I have commented that if they hadn’t told me I was sick, I would have never have known. There were some side effects due to and after surgery that have all drastically improved. Thank you to my friends, family and all of you in the slo-pitch community for your support! Prostate Cancer is almost as common as Breast Cancer although many men don’t talk about it. Please don’t skip your annual physical and get checked! Together, we can help ease the burden!


Donations are essential to the success of any event and your support means the world to us. Every dollar raised counts to reduce the burden of cancer on Canadians. Thanks to your donations, CCMB is able to continue funding the most promising cancer research, advocate for health-protecting policies and provide trusted information, resources and support for those effected in Manitoba.

I hope you will take a few minutes to consider donating, and should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Charlie at 204-770-2585 or Sherelle Kwan (CCMB) at 204-784-2778.

Thank you!

Hooters and Duders Slo-Pitch 2023 Winning Team