Hold a Stand. Create Hope. | July 19-21

Join a thirst-quenching weekend where kids, teens, kids-at-heart and businesses fundraise to support a common goal...improving the lives of Manitobans affected by a cancer diagnosis.

Lemonade Stands for Hope is a free and fun way for enthusiastic change-makers like you to take action and make a difference. Imagine lemonade stands on street corners all across the province. And then picture how many patients you can help support with the donations collected at your very own stand!


2. Pick up your Lemonade Stand for Hope starter kit which includes:

  - Lemonade crystals
  - Lemonade stand signage
  - Fundraising tips and tools
  - A personal webpage to collect donations online
...and more!

Lemonade Stand Starter Kits will be available to pick up beginning May 21 at 825 Sherbrook St. in Winnipeg from 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday

3. Host your Lemonade Stand for Hope anytime over the weekend of July 19-21!

If those dates don't work - no problem! You can still register and host your stand anytime, anywhere this summer!


THANK YOU for bringing HOPE and STANDing with us!

You're simply the ZEST!

Lemonade Stands for Hope 2024