Submit your donations

Please submit your donations as soon as possible after your event and be sure to keep track of anyone who requires a receipt (donations of $15 or more) by downloading our donation pledge form.

  • Cash: Please count up the cash donations from your event and write a cheque made payable to CancerCare Manitoba Foundation. Don’t forget to put your event name in the memo line. PLEASE DO NOT MAIL CASH.

  • Cheques: Donors’ cheques can be made payable to CancerCare Manitoba Foundation. Please put your stand name in the memo line.

    Please send all cheques to:

    CancerCare Manitoba Foundation
    1160-675 McDermot Avenue
    Winnipeg, MB R3E 0V9

  • e-Transfer:If you would like to submit funds collected via e-Transfer, please send an email to and we will send instructions on this to you.