Workplace, Team, and Group Stands

Lemonade Stands for Hope is great way for anyone young at heart to create hope for Manitobans.

Anyone can hold a Lemonade Stand!

  • Businesses and workplaces
  • Community teams or leagues
  • Other community clubs or groups

If you are unable to hold a lemonade stand but still want to show your support and STAND with us, you can:

  • Offer a lemon menu or merch item and contribute donations based from the sales of that item
  • Offer a point-of-purchase donation to customers in your store or business
  • Put up an "I STAND for..." sign and accept donations for Lemonade Stands for Hope
  • Collect donations at a game or group event with our donation pledge form
  • Create a lemonade stands donation page by registering and send it out to family, friends, fellow teams or customers
  • Get creative! Find a fun and unique way to raise funds with your team!

If you have an idea you'd like to do to support Lemonade Stands for Hope, please reach out to us at remember you're never too old to host a lemonade stand!