Fundraising Tips & Resources
Start by spreading the word that you are hosting a Lemonade Stand for Hope along with your stand information. Pass out flyers in your community, be creative and start a buzz.
Some fundraising ideas to help you reach your fundraising goal:
- Challenge a family member, friend, or business to match the donations you raise from your stand. It could be for the total amount raised or up to a certain amount. This way you can let your customers know their support will be matched to further help those affected by cancer.
- Sell baked goods or other lemon goodies at your stand.
- Consider including hand-made items like braided bracelets, painted rocks or loop jewelry to sell.
Collecting Donations:
- Download our pledge sheets to collect cash donations
- Share the link to your personal fundraising page for people to donate online...even create a QR code (try it here) so your supporters can scan and donate right at your stand! (Let us know if you need any help!)
- Post on social media and ask your friends to share so more people can donate and stop by your stand!
Check out the tools and resources below to help you fundraise!
Guides for how to use your participant centre and update your personal fundraising page
Printable Poster
(Choose this one to fill out by hand)
Printable Poster
(Choose this one to fill out and add
your own QR code before printing)
Guides for how to use your participant centre and update your personal fundraising page |
Printable donation tracker |
Printable Infographic |
I STAND FOR sign |
Pledge Form |
Printable Poster (Choose this one to fill out by hand) |
Printable Poster (Choose this one to fill out and add your own QR code before printing) |