About CancerCare Manitoba Foundation
Your fundraising ensures innovative research which leads to more discoveries every year as well as exceptional patient care and treatment. These funds are giving hope for more tomorrows for Manitobans impacted by a cancer diagnosis.
Nearly 7,000 Manitobans will be diagnosed with cancer in Manitoba this year. By registering today you can be part of the community making change in our province.
All funds raised support an internationally-recognized team of health professionals at CancerCare Manitoba who provide outstanding care for patients and their families.
Our mission, in partnership with our donors, is to support CancerCare’s strategic priorities. Your generosity enables the Foundation to maximize the funds provided to CancerCare Manitoba each year. Donor contributions help bridge the gap of initiatives and programs not eligible for government funding or where financial resources aren’t available, including prevention, early detection, clinical trials and leading-edge research and treatment.
CancerCare Manitoba is our provincially mandated agency for cancer and blood disorders. We share its bold vision, “A world free of cancer” and the goal that no life is cut short by cancer — a complex set of more than 200 diseases. CancerCare Manitoba Foundation is the only charitable organization exclusively fundraising for CancerCare Manitoba.
All of the proceeds from donations to CancerCare Manitoba Foundation stay right here in Manitoba!
Download our infographic to find out more about the specific things your Lemonade Stand for Hope will help to support.